11 Oct 2012


Photographer Päivi Anita Ristell’s exhibition ’Four Boxes of Her’ is a touching and personal story of the loss of her sister, Jenni. Dealing with sorrow and longing, the exhibition consists of several different parts: texts&images printed on rice paper, portraits, childhood photographs, sound installation...and as the name suggests; installation of the four boxes that Jenni’s things are packed into. Memories, longing and these four boxes – that is what remains of her little sister.

Päivi Anita Ristell: Four Boxes of Her, 12.10 – 4.11.2012
Photographic Gallery Hippolyte
Yrjönkatu 8-10 (courtyard), Helsinki
Open: Tue–Fri 12–17, Sat–Sun 12–16

Opening and Book Launch, Thursday 11th Oct, 5–7 pm!!

(Images taken at the gallery space by me, courtesy of the artist.)